Kategorie: Aktivitäten

WeAreDevelopers Congress: Win a free ticket with DigitalCity.Wien!

Behind every amazing tech innovation today are developers – these unique creatures that are able to turn coffee into software, using code as their primary instrument. Since 2015, once a year, on a (hopefully) sunny day, the global community meets at WeAreDevelopers, an event dubbed by many as the “Woodstock of Developers”.

More than 8,000 developers, IT specialists & decision makers from over 50 countries join the conference in order to share their knowledge, gain new tech insights and connect with like-minded peers and companies.

Leading tech companies such as Google, Facebook, Palantir, Microsoft, IBM and SAP use the event as a vehicle in order to connect with the global developers’ community. In 2018, the WeAreDevelopers World Congress will take place in Vienna, May 16-18.

Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple and one of the pioneers of the personal computer revolution, will be among the speakers of the WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2018. An engineer and developer by heart, he has helped shaping the computing industry into what it is today.

Along with WH-I, Wirtschaftsagentur Wien, Digitales Wien and DigitalCity.Wien, the City of Vienna will also join this amazing experience.

Have we peaked your interest? If you’re wandering what it’s like to be part of this years‘ congress we have good news for you: DigitalCity.Wien is giving away a ticket for the 2018 WeAreDevelopers Congress! All you have to do is send an email at digitalcity@urbaninnovation.at. The quicker the better – we’re keeping our fingers crossed!

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